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Design Thinking, encourage innovation imitating the working formulas of the creatives.

Written by admin | 10/05/2018

The focus of the companies is changing. Progressively, the model focused on the product or service is evolving into a model centered on the user. This fact, which coincides with the growth of the creative culture, has given rise to a new methodology of work in companies called Design Thinking.

The objective of this "design thinking" is to promote innovation. According to Kaan Turnali, the design thinking, in its most basic conception, "is a process, applicable to all areas of life, creating new and innovative ideas and solving problems". Therefore, it can be affirmed that, in essence, it consists in the adoption of the working procedures and the way of thinking of the design teams when it comes to solving obstacles and needs. Among all of them, the most important is the organization of multidisciplinary teams that provide the greatest possible number of points of view to an approach.

Design Thinking method: how to apply it

As Marco Antúnez explains in this article of Entrepreneur magazine, there are five criteria under which this discipline can be implemented in practically any company and sector successfully:

1. Empathize

In this first stage it is necessary to observe the user in order to understand it. And to optimize this objective we must study it in its environment, getting involved with his/her context. It is recommended to create a relationship with the subject so that he/she feels comfortable and able to act externalizing his/her thoughts, concerns and needs. And that will be the most valuable information.

As creators, our goal is to solve problems that are not ours. Therefore, to truly understand them, we must be attentive to any information provided by the user (through non-verbal language, such as tone and body language, for example) and always seek new points of view on the problem (through an interview structured in depth, for example).

The purpose of this phase is to get to know our audience, to empathize with them and, in this way, to understand how our potential clients think and to understand in detail what matters and worries them.

2. Define

Once all the user's information is collected, it must be analyzed and summarized to contextualize it. In this stage, the main objective is to define correctly what is the concrete challenge to solve. For this purpose, it is especially useful to try to configure a model user profile, define its problems and its characteristics. In response to this type of consumer, the solution or product will be designed; that is, it will mark the point of view from which the design development will start.

3. Think Up

At this point the creativity of the group will play the leading role. It is not about finding the perfect solution, but about generating as many alternatives as possible. Here all ideas are valid and have the same importance, from the most obvious to the most surprising and unexpected. We must let the imagination flow.

One of the best dynamics to promote creativity is brainstorming, a technique in which everyone can share their occurrences without limits, without fear of being judged by the quality of the inventiveness or the apparent impossibility of carrying out the idea.

Following this idea, the Design Thinking method requires that collective strength to achieve the highest possible degree of innovation and originality. The unexpected results are not only good, but recommendable. It is essential to have the largest number of options. Then, the ideas are filtered and through consensus, those that are considered more viable will be selected.

4. Generate prototypes

It is time to generate prototypes. It is about making tangible ideas, generating prototypes of each of them. This task has to be translated in the most accessible possible way (a scheme, some instructions, an animation and/or a video). To show objects, we can use paper, cardboard, plasticine, 3D printing, etc.

The important thing is that they resemble the final product as much as possible, to be able to communicate the idea in a more precise way and get a quick feedback, avoiding a high cost or too extensive development.

5. Evaluate

This is the final stage of the design thinking methodology. The evaluation will be in charge of the clients themselves, who will receive the prototype of the selected idea to check if it really solves their problem. The evaluation phase gives us the possibility to learn about users and possible solutions. They are given one or several solutions to see which one they prefer and their user experience is observed. It is advisable not to explain anything about the prototype and let them discover it for themselves.

Then they are asked for feedback and opinions on the prototypes that have been created. The user's references will help us to know if we have understood or satisfied their need. From here we will know if the prototype is valid or we must go back in the process, even to go back to the devise phase. It is very likely that the prototype has to be modified several times and evaluated until it is adapted to the real needs of the ideal user or client.

Why should you work using Design Thinking methodology?

Applying Design Thinking tools helps the company to maintain a constant search for innovative solutions or to propose improvements to existing products. In addition, this discipline allows generating more creative ventures and facilitates the management of resources and minimizes risks.

If we look at the advantages of the tools of this methodology applied to the company, these are the main ones:

We are oriented towards the client: we will make sure that our products / services / technologies are adapted and solve their needs.
The result has an added value: the fact that our solution was born in the client's own bosom, that is who will use it, gives it an added value that will differentiate it from the competition.
Reduces economic risks: most of the doubts that arise when starting a business or a new line are neutralized. We will succeed or we will be wrong in a faster way having dedicated less resources.
It is an agile process: its implementation consists of moving from thinking to building, measuring and learning. It is a process that combines very well with the Lean Startup and Agile methodology.

You may be interested: The use of agile methodologies in your strategic innovation plan

Encourages creativity and facilitates innovation: Design Thinking prepares our minds to explore, look beyond and exploit our creative capacity. Thanks to this, innovation is encouraged to create new companies, but also to undertake within the corporation itself.

How should you be prepared to apply Design Thinking?

To implement the design thinking in the company effectively, it is essential to prepare the mind. The team will have to put execution skills in the background to focus on innovation and become generators of revolutionary ideas. For this, it is key:

- Be open to learning and be tolerant of the error

- Have a generalist vision

- Focus on very diverse challenges

- Be able to empathize with our customers.

Design Thinking is a great opportunity if you are willing to advance in business innovation. There are many other useful tools that will help you boost your scientific-technological projects. One of them is patents. Have you thought about how to use the information in these documents to guarantee the novelty of your ideas? Download the new ebook from the Science Park: "How to use patent information to boost your technological and scientific projects".


- García, Andy. (2017, 09, 04). Design Thinking como base para Lean y Agile. [Piece of news]. Recovered from:

- Ciancio, Agustina. (2017, 07, 12). Design Thinking como herramienta para tener emprendimientos más innovadores. [Piece of news] Recovered from:

- Alba, Ángel. (2017, 06, 19). Cómo aplicar Design Thinking para conseguir una cultura innovadora. [Blog post] Recovered from:

- El Comercio. (2017, 06, 05). ¿Por qué Design Thinking es el mejor método para innovar? [Piece of news]. Recovered from:

- San Martín, Iris. (2017, 02, 03). 5 Claves para aplicar el design thinking en tu startup. [Blog post]. Recovered from:

- Antúnez, Marco. (2017). El ABC para usar el "design thinking" al formar tu empresa. [Piece of news]. Recovered from:

- Blázquez, Pilar. (2016, 10, 19). Ejemplos de Design Thinking como metodología para fomentar la innovación. [Blog post] Recovered from:

- Turnali, Kaan. (2015, 05, 10). What Is Design Thinking? [Piece of news]. Recovered from: