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Doitplenoptic, selected as one of the most competitive startups in Healthtech by the European Commission's X-Europe programme

Written by admin | 05/06/2020

The spin-off from the University of Valencia, located in its Science Park, develops compact digital cameras that can be easily attached to observation instruments (microscopes, telescopes, endoscopes or ophthalmoscopes) and convert them into 3D digital imaging devices.


Doitplenoptic has been selected as one of the 25 most competitive European startups in Healthtech, Medtech and Biotech by the X-Europe programme of Startup Europe, an initiative of the European Commission to support and connect technology startups.

"This recognition gives us a lot of visibility in the European startup ecosystem. We have been selected from 177 participants. It will facilitate our contact with potential customers, suppliers, investors, and will also serve as a pole of attraction for talent, since it will allow us to find professionals in order to continue growing. At an organizational level it will help us to have training sessions in the presentation of the company to investors", underlines César Gil, responsible for Business Development at Doitplenoptic.

Ángel Tolosa, Seokmin Hong and César Gil, members of Doitplenoptic. Source: FPCUV

The X-Europe programme connects technology companies segmented into 6 clusters: Healtech, Medtech and Biotech; Agritech; Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, Smart Cities and Blockchain and Cybersecurity. Through the organization of networking, training and acceleration events, it promotes their growth. Likewise, it attends to the demands of entrepreneurs to be considered in the elaboration of European Union policies.

Digital 3D Microscopy

Doitplenoptic's first product, the DOIT Micro 3D Plenoptic Eyepiece, is a "universal, versatile, affordable, portable and easy to use" device that can be easily attached to, and removed from, any optical microscope with an eyepiece port, transforming it into a digital 3D microscopy system. With this device, the user is able to obtain relevant 3D sample information in a single shot, and therefore quickly. "We already have a minimum viable product. Companies interested in testing it can already contact us and install it in their microscopes or any other observation instrument", explains César Gil.

Doitplenoptic technology allows to convert images captured by observation instruments into 3D. Source: FPCUV


This  spin-off was founded and promoted in 2018 by three researchers from the 3D Image Laboratory of the Optics Department of the Faculty of Physics together with the private high-tech industrial fund BeAble Capital as the main investor. The technology, of which the researchers are co-inventors, is patented by the University of Valencia and the National University of Colombia. "Having consolidated a team and a minimum viable product, in the third quarter of this year we will open a financing round of more than one million euros", says Gil.

In 2019 Doitplenoptic was one of the four winners of VLC/STARTUP, an innovative entrepreneurship programme promoted by the University of Valencia Science Park Foundation with the support of the Vice-principal for Employment and Training Programmes.

Manuel Martínez-Carral, Professor of Optics at the University of Valencia, is co-founder and scientific advisor to the company. Source: FPCUV