The 17-month project consists of integrating DSI (Digital Service Infrastructure) digital identification services into the systems of three electronic data interchange (EDI) providers in France, Italy and the Netherlands. In this way, European citizens and companies will be able to digitally identify themselves when carrying out transactions of all kinds, regardless of the country where they reside.
EUROLogin2020 will allow users to accept electronic identifications from other Member States in a reliable, secure identification and authentication environment established by the Regulation of the European network of national nodes eIDAS (Electronic IDentification, Authentication and trust Services).
The project will promote the adoption and use of the eID DSI; will guarantee cross-border mobility and support the Digital Single Market programmed by the European Digital Agenda 2020. “This will facilitate both citizens and companies access to public and private online services provided throughout Europe, allowing them to accept the electronic identifications of other Member States in an efficient, uniform and secure way”, points out Ignacio Sánchez, manager of the project.
EUROLogin2020 is an initiative co-financed by the European Commission through the CEF Telecom program, managed by HaDEA (European Health and Digital Executive Agency). In addition to IRTIC, the companies Generix (France), Nubilaria (Italy) and HeadOn (Netherlands) are part of the project.
The CEF European Funds (Connecting Europe Mechanism) are a financial instrument created by the European Commission to develop the Trans-European Transport, Energy and Telecommunications Networks.