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The Institute of Corpuscular Physics (IFIC) celebrates its 75th anniversary with a series of lectures on scientific dissemination

Written by admin | 26/03/2025

The program is made up of four lectures that will be held between March and June 2025 at the Joan Plaza Auditorium of the Botanical Garden of the University of Valencia. The talks will be given in Spanish by renowned experts and researchers of international prestige on the world of particle physics, cosmology and astrophysics

The Institute of Corpuscular Physics (IFIC), located in the scientific-academic area of the Science Park of the University of Valencia, and joint center of the Superior Council for Scientific Research (CSIC) and the University of Valencia, is celebrating its 75th anniversary with a series of science talks that will bring the general public closer to some of the great mysteries of the universe and the latest advances in fundamental physics. The presentations, given in Spanish by recognized experts and researchers of international prestige, will be held at the Joan Plaza Auditorium of the Botanical Garden of the University of Valencia and will offer all audiences a unique opportunity to get into the exciting world of particle physics, cosmology and astrophysics.

The cycle will consist of four public speaking sessions, scheduled for March-June 2025. Each will address a fascinating topic related to the fundamental laws of physics: from the mysteries of the Higgs boson to the elusive nature of neutrinos, the evolution and origin of the universe, or the mysteries of quantum physics. The entrance will be free and free of charge until full capacity.

Calendar of conferences

March 26, 18:00 hours: Beyond the visible: the adventure of particle physics with the Great Hadron Collider, taught by Carmen García, CSIC research professor at the IFIC and National Research Award 2024 in the Blas Cabrera Physical Sciences. In his paper, García will cover the exciting particle search at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), the development of advanced particle detectors and his personal participation in CERN’s ATLAS experiment, which led to the discovery of the Higgs boson.

May 7, 18:00 hours: Everything you ever wanted to know about the universe, but never dared to ask, taught by Juan José Gómez Cadenas, professor Ikerbasque at the Donostia International Physics Center, neutrino physicist and director of the NEXT experiment at the Canfranc Underground Laboratory. Gómez Cadenas will talk about the universe in the light of modern physics. What we know (a lot) and what we ignore (even more), how we believe it was created and what our place is in this.

May 27, 6:00 pm: Blessed neutrinos, taught by Gabriela Barenboim, professor at the University of Valencia and IFIC researcher in high-energy physics and astrophysics. Barenboim will take us to explore the limits of our knowledge about the universe and the most extreme phenomena in the cosmos.

June 25, 18:00: Quantum physics and quantum computers, magic or reality?, given by Alberto Casas, CSIC research professor at the Institute of Theoretical Physics (IFT) in Madrid, expert in particle physics and cosmology, and divulgator. Casas will invite us to explore the mysteries of quantum physics, explaining how its principles can be harnessed to develop quantum computers, a revolutionary and fascinating technology.

Bridging science and society

This lecture cycle is part of IFIC’s commitment to scientific dissemination, especially in the context of its accreditation as a Severo Ochoa (2024-2028) centre of excellence, a distinction with which fundamental science is to be brought closer to society through dissemination and other initiatives in medical physics, advanced instrumentation and quantum technologies. The 75th anniversary of IFIC is an excellent occasion to celebrate its trajectory as an international reference centre in particle physics, and its commitment to continue exploring the fundamental laws of the universe with a view to future generations.

Source: CSIC Comunitat Valenciana Delegation