Researcher José J. Baldoví (ICMol), new member of the Spanish Young Academy


One of the objectives of the Academia Joven of Spain is to promote science as a career option for young people

The researcher at the Institute of Molecular Science (ICMol), located in the scientific-academic area of the University of Valencia Science Park, is one of the seven new academicians chosen from a total of 142 candidates

The distinguished researcher of the Gen-T Plan José Jaime Baldoví Jachán, director of the 2D Smart Materials group at the Institute for Molecular Science (ICMol), located in the research area of the University of Valencia Science Park, has been elected new Full Member of the Young Academy of Spain. Together with the researcher, four male and two female researchers have been elected from among 142 candidates, after being evaluated by an international expert committee made up of highly prestigious research personnel covering different areas of knowledge.

The election was effective on June 17 at an extraordinary meeting of the General Meeting of the Young Academy of Spain. The new Full Academicians elected together with Baldoví are Elena del Corro García, Rosa María Fernández García, Francisco Pelayo García de Arquer, Irene Lebrusán Murillo, Ana Ortega Molina and Carlos Tornero Dacasa. "Their profiles cover different fields of knowledge including archeology, sociology, biology, study of medical applications, electrocatalysis, theoretical chemistry or phylogenomics," highlights the academic institution. The work of all those selected represents more than 400 scientific articles, the development of eleven patents, major recognitions and awards, and the most prestigious and competitive grants from the European Research Council (ERC), among others.

"The Academia Joven of Spain represents a forum for the exchange of knowledge, experience and leadership among young researchers with outstanding professional careers. I feel enormously grateful for the trust placed in me and the recognition, as well as for all the professional and personal growth that this experience will bring," explains Baldoví.

ERC Starting Grant and Plan Gen-T

José J. Baldoví (Xàtiva, 1986) develops his research at ICMol and is a member of the teaching and research staff of the Department of Physical Chemistry of the University of Valencia. He is currently leading an ERC Starting Grant project and is the Spanish representative in the Management Committee of the COST SuperQumap Action. His research activity focuses on the development of theoretical and computational frameworks for the chemical design of smart molecular and two-dimensional devices for information technologies. His interdisciplinary work integrates physics, chemistry and materials science to explore emerging applications in fields such as magnonics, spintronics, quantum computing and sensing devices.

He was a Marie Sklodowska-Curie postdoctoral researcher (2017-2019) of the European Commission at the Max Planck Institute for the Structure and Dynamics of Matter in Hamburg (Germany). In 2009 she graduated in Chemistry, completing a Master (2012) and a PhD in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (2016) at the Universitat de València, with extraordinary award at all stages of her academic life. His PhD thesis, based on the rational design of molecular nanomagnets with applications in nanoscience, molecular spintronics and quantum technologies, was elected best thesis in Chemistry at the University of Valencia in 2017.

"The Academia Joven of Spain represents a forum for the exchange of knowledge, experience and leadership among young researchers with outstanding professional careers. I feel enormously grateful for the trust placed in me and the recognition, as well as for all the professional and personal growth that this experience will bring"


In his group, 2D Smart Materials, he currently supervises a Marie Sklodowska-Curie postdoc, two postdoctoral researchers, five doctoral theses and two undergraduate students. He has published more than 65 articles in international journals, one book chapter and three popular science articles, and has given 30 invited lectures at international conferences and eight invited seminars. In addition, she has a Master's degree in Science Communication that allows her to transmit the value of science to society through different articles and science outreach events.

"I decided to present my candidacy in order to contribute my best to the values and the multidisciplinary and inclusive character that represents the Academy. Participating in this type of initiative not only motivates us to continue our efforts, but also helps us to make our work more visible and to connect with other researchers who share our same passions," said the ICMol researcher. 

About the Academy

The Academia Joven of Spain was founded in 2019 and its objectives include: (i) to promote science as a career option among youth, (ii) to promote scientific training through the promotion of knowledge, research and innovation as drivers of economic development, (iii) to serve as a forum and platform for young researchers in our country and (iv) to serve as a link between young Spanish researchers working abroad and our country.

One of the distinguishing characteristics of the Academia Joven of Spain is that membership is limited to five years. This peculiarity allows preserving the youth of the 50 members of the corporation, incorporating each year 10 (7 this year) new Academicians who replace those whose membership ends in that year.

The Academia Joven of Spain stands out for its multidisciplinarity. The new Academicians join to complete a roster of brilliant young researchers that includes: 30 grants from the European Research Council (ERC), 17 Starting Grants, nine Consolidator Grants and four Proof-of-Concept, eleven Marie Curie Sklodowska Fellowships, 17 Ramón y Cajal researchers and 16 others with similar excellence programs. Between them, they have more than 100 patents and several entrepreneurial ventures. The Academy is composed of a highly awarded research staff with four Princess of Girona Awards, one King Jaime I Award, one Julián Marías Award, two Miguel Catalán Awards and five Spanish Royal Society of Chemistry Awards, five National Research Awards for Juniors and one for Seniors, one Juan Abelló Award from the Royal National Academy of Pharmacy, one award from the Spanish Royal Society of Physics, one Agustín de Betancourt y Molina Award from the Royal Academy of Engineering, and several important international awards; one of the Full Academicians holds two Guinness World Records and the former President of the Spanish Junior Academy was the first Spanish President of the Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC).

Learn more about José Jaime Baldoví's career in the EuroPark interview section, the initiative to disseminate European projects developed at the Science Park of the University of Valencia.



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