An international scientific team, with the participation of the Image Processing Laboratory (IPL), has captured data from the Sun in ultraviolet, visible, and infrared light bands simultaneously for the first time, thanks to the successful scientific flight of the Sunrise III mission in July 2024. The data collected is expected to help uncover new mysteries about the functioning of the star that makes life on Earth possible
SUNRISE III is a solar observatory dedicated to investigating the key processes that govern the physics of magnetic fields and plasma flows in the lower solar atmosphere. These processes are essential for understanding solar phenomena that affect Earth's environment, such as solar storms.
Although current ground-based observatories are equipped with a wide range of instruments capable of studying the Sun's surface in the visible and infrared ranges, it was previously not possible to combine these observations with those in the near-ultraviolet range, nor to maintain them for long periods due to the turbulence of Earth's atmosphere. Overcoming this obstacle was critical for astrophysics, as it allows research teams to observe the evolution of solar phenomena, from the surface to the Sun's outer layers, thereby improving our understanding.
In this context, SUNRISE III, travelling aboard a stratospheric balloon launched from Sweden at an altitude of about 37 km, becomes the first observatory to simultaneously obtain spectropolarimetric data in the near-ultraviolet, visible, and infrared ranges with unprecedented spatial and temporal resolutions.
"The quality provided by these tools can help not only establish a link between the phenomena occurring on the Sun and their impact on Earth but also refine predictive models," Julián Blanco, researcher at the Image Processing Laboratory (IPL)
"The success of this operation lies in the precision of the instruments' measurements, which allow us to obtain previously unimaginable data about physical phenomena we still do not fully understand," commented Esteban Sanchis, professor of Electronic Engineering and head of the University of Valencia (UV) team in SUNRISE III. "The quality provided by these tools can help not only establish a link between the phenomena occurring on the Sun and their impact on Earth but also refine predictive models," added Julián Blanco, researcher at the IPL and a member of Sanchis's multidisciplinary team
Over the coming months, the scientific team will analyse the information gathered during the 6.5-day flight of the balloon to contribute, in the near future, to uncovering new mysteries about the Sun's behaviour.
The Technology
The stratospheric mission SUNRISE III, which successfully flew from 10 to 16 July, featured three unique instruments that were critical for simultaneous observation and mission success: the TuMag Magnetograph (Tunable Magnetograph), an instrument capable of precisely measuring the solar magnetic field in the visible range; and two spectropolarimeters, the SCIP (Sunrise Chromospheric Infrared SpectroPolarimeter) and SUSI (Sunrise UV Spectropolarimeter Imager), focused on the infrared and ultraviolet ranges, respectively. These were designed to study the upper layers of the solar atmosphere under the responsibility of the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan and the Max Planck Institute in Germany.
In the development of TuMag and SCIP, as part of the consortium coordinating Spanish participation led by the Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía (IAA), the University of Valencia (UV) played a significant role.
"At the University of Valencia, we took on key responsibilities for the mechanical design and structural analysis of the electronic units for TuMag and SCIP," explained Esteban Sanchis. "We also developed the electronic circuits for power conversion and distribution for both instruments and collaborated on activities related to the mission's electromagnetic compatibility to ensure the operability of the equipment," added the scientist.
A History of Contributions
The University of Valencia has played a pivotal role in the development of the SUNRISE missions, starting with SUNRISE I in 2009 and SUNRISE II in 2013. Following the successful flight of SUNRISE III, the academic institution is now involved in the reduction and preparation of the collected observations, enabling more precise analyses of the dynamic structure of solar layers and reinforcing its position as a leader in solar physics and aerospace engineering.
Since their inception, the SUNRISE missions have made significant advances in solar physics, with over 100 scientific publications resulting from the flights. SUNRISE III promises to continue this legacy, providing unprecedented insights into the height stratification of the solar atmosphere, from the deepest layers to the chromosphere.
The Spanish Consortium and International Collaboration
In addition to the University of Valencia and the IAA, the Spanish consortium includes the Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (IAC), the Instituto Nacional de Técnica Aeroespacial (INTA), and the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM). The consortium is coordinated by David Orozco, a CSIC astrophysicist at the IAA.
SUNRISE III is a collaboration involving the Max-Planck-Institut für Sonnensystemforschung in Göttingen (Germany) as the lead institution, the Applied Physics Laboratory at Johns Hopkins University in Laurel (Maryland, USA), the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan in Tokyo, the Institut für Sonnenphysik in Freiburg (Germany), and the Spanish consortium grouped under the Spanish Network for Solar Space Physics (S3PC).
The Notable Amateur Contribution
The SUNRISE III balloon also carried the IRIS-2 instrument, a video and imaging camera created by a Spanish team of amateur astronomers, engineers, and technicians. This device continues the legacy of its predecessor, IRIS-1, which flew on SUNRISE II in 2013. Its main purpose is to provide images for scientific communication and dissemination while also contributing to monitoring and improving the mechanical interfaces and control system of the observatory throughout the process—from launch to recovery. The team successfully captured extraordinary details, demonstrating the ability of a group of passionate amateurs and friends to significantly contribute to a mission of such high scientific calibre.
Source: UV Noticias
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