The approval of the annual accounts and that of the 2024 Annual Report have focused the meeting of the board convened this Monday at the PCUV facilities
The Board of Trustees of the Foundation of Science Park University de València (FPCUV), convened in plenary on Wednesday, approved the annual accounts of the FPCUV for 2024. The meeting, chaired by the rector of the academic institution, Maria Vicenta Mestre, also addressed the report of the Director of the PCUC and the approval of the report of activities of the FPCUV and the annual accounts, which include the balance sheet, the income statement, the economic management memory, as well as the distribution of surplus. The Foundation managed a volume of resources in 2024 of more than 2.5 million euros. Both the Financial Audit and the Legality Compliance reports were submitted without qualification.
The call was attended by the Vice-Rector of Continuing Education, Teacher Transformation and Employment, Ángeles Solanes; the Vice-Rector of Sustainability, Cooperation and Healthy Living of UV, M. Pilar Serra; the general secretary of UV, Elena Olmos; the director of the Science Park of the University of Valencia, Pedro Carrasco; the manager of the University of Valencia, Juan Vicente Climent; the councilor of Personnel and Grand City of Paterna, David Fortea; the Councillor for Culture and Heritage of the Municipality of Burjassot, Javier Naharros; the institutional delegate of the Higher Council for Scientific Research (CSIC) in the Valencian Community, Juan A. Fuster Verdú; the Vice-Rector of Planning, Quality and Information Technologies of the UV, Joaquín Aldàs; the Vice-Rector for Internationalization and Multilingualism of the UV, Carles Padilla; the Vice-Rector for Research of the University of Valencia, Carlos Hermenegildo, the Vice-Rector for Economy and Infrastructures, Justo Herrera Gómez; the GVA’s regional secretary of innovation, Jerónimo Mora; and the FPUCV’s manager, Fernando M.a Zárraga. Miguel Navarro, from Seiquer Auditories y Consultores S.L.P.
The Fundació Parc Científic Universitat de València managed a volume of resources in 2024 of more than 2.5 million euros
The director of the PCUV, Pedro Carrasco, presented to the Board of Trustees a review of the main initiatives developed during 2024, the year of the fifteenth anniversary of the Parc Científic UV Foundation (FPCUV). In his speech, he highlighted the development of projects such as the Business Development Promotion Programme (PIDE), the Innovation Transfer Exhibition Programme (PETI) and Globaltech, aimed at strengthening the PCUV’s business ecosystem and encouraging public-private collaboration in R&D&i. On this last one, the celebration of the fifth edition of the Conference on Public-private sector in R & D and innovation, focusing on the participation of investors in technological and innovative startups.
In the area of knowledge transfer, the director highlighted the consolidation of Innotransfer, an open innovation project jointly promoted by the five science parks of the Valencia region. In addition, the impact of the plant-based sector as a new line of development was highlighted, and the creation of the Matching Parc meetings as networking spaces for companies and research groups from the innovation environment of the Park and the University of Valencia.
Regarding the promotion of entrepreneurship, Carrasco presented the progress of initiatives such as VLC/STARTUP, which reaches its ninth edition promoting new businesses in the university environment. Highlights of startups hosted at the Parc were also mentioned, such as Blue-Boost, Opticalsens and Energy Blind, along with new spin-off projects that emerged in collaboration with the Universitat de València.
The report also highlighted the development of the High-Tech Incubator in Artificial Intelligence and Digital Enabling Technologies (IAtec UV), funded with €1.6 million of ERDF funds through INCYDE.
He stressed that within the framework of its Corporate Social Responsibility policy, the FPCUV has intensified its actions in sustainability and equality, highlighting the development of the Sustainability Guide for SMEs and the organization of training days and women’s leadership in collaboration with different entities. The Generalitat Valenciana also highlighted that the FOUNDATION SCIENCE PARK UNIVERSITY OF VALENCIA has been qualified as a socially responsible Valencian entity by registering it in the Register of Socially Responsible Valencian Entities with the number 2025/15.
Among the actions of dissemination and social projection, the programs Expociència and Expoinnova stand out, along with audiovisual initiatives such as Nosaltres eSTEM, EuroPark and Market Parc, in addition to the production of podcasts and digital content.
Finally, the PCUV’s 15th anniversary has been the ideal framework for rebranding the brand, updating the logo and launching a new corporate dossier available in three languages, as well as the production of graphic and audiovisual material that reinforces the identity and belonging of the PCUV community.
Activity Report 2024 of the Foundation Science Park of the University of Valencia. Photo: PCUV
Technological improvements and infrastructure
During this year, the FPCUV has implemented an integrated management system with Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central (ERP) and Dynamics 365 Sales (CRM), addressing coordination, process integration, data migration, security and training. The project has driven digitalization, automation and customer experience, improving efficiency and fostering a digital culture based on technology, people and data.
In 2024, the PCUV has carried out several strategic actions in infrastructure and innovation. A 118.80 kWp photovoltaic solar plant has been installed for self-consumption without surplus, improving energy efficiency and reducing the carbon footprint. An automatic access control system and video door-doors have also been set up using DESICO ACCESS, integrated with VIGIPLUS PSIM. In addition, the PCUV Self-Protection Plan has been revised and updated, drawing up risk plans, detection systems and escape routes, and registering it in the Autonomous Register of Self-Protection Plans. In the technological field, the uninterruptible power supply system (UPS) of Building 1 has been renovated, strengthening the protection of computer and telecommunications systems for ICT and advanced services companies, in collaboration with the City of Paterna. Finally, on 17 July was inaugurated the Innovation Center (Building 5), the administrative concession of which was granted in December 2024, a space of 2,773 m2 and five plants housing the UV Innovation Center and the AgrotecUV incubator, with an investment of 4,EUR 23 million co-financed by the Generalitat Valenciana, the UV and the ERDF fund.
During 2024, the Foundation also signed collaboration agreements with the Council of Paterna; the Escola de Postgrau i xarxa de centres d'investigació en Intel·lidència artificial, Fundació de la Comunitat Valenciana; the Polytechnical University of Valencia; the Institute Cameral for the Creation and Development of Enterprise (INCYDE); the Catholic University of Maule; and the University of Valencia.