90% of the companies in the PCUV carry out R&D activities, with the University of Valencia being their main strategic partner


The Scientific Park of the Universitat de València consolidates its growth with an innovative and highly qualified business ecosystem, in light of the data provided by the ninth edition of the report prepared within the framework of the Program for the Stimulation of Enterprise Development (PIDE), which is promoted by the Fundation Science Park of the University of Valencia (FPCUV) with the support of the Council for Education, Culture, Universities and Employment. The survey involved 76 of the 90 companies that made up the business area in 2024

The Scientific Park of the University of Valencia (PCUV) continues to consolidate itself as a reference in innovation and business development. This is revealed in the PIDE 2024 Results Report, prepared by the Fundation Science Park of the University of Valencia (FPCUV) within the framework of the Programme for the Stimulation of Enterprise Development (PIDE), with the support of the Education Council, Culture, Universities and Employment of the Generalitat Valenciana.  The study, based on the participation of 81% of companies hosted in the Parc, offers a snapshot of the PCUV’s entrepreneurial and scientific-technological ecosystem, underlining its growth, high degree of innovation and quality of jobs generated.

According to the report, 86% of companies hosted by PCUV are considered innovative, with 73% developing new products or services and 75% managing their innovation with in-house talent. In addition, the incorporation of artificial intelligence (AI) has grown to 63%, with 85% of companies highlighting its positive impact on competitiveness.

A dynamic and expanding business fabric

90% of the PCUV companies carry out R&D activities with strong links to the academic sector: 84% collaborate with universities, and the University of Valencia is the main strategic partner in 49% of cases.

For the director of the UV Science Park, Pedro Carrasco, these data reflect the key role of the Park in the Valencian innovation ecosystem: "The PCUV is a reference pole in the transfer of knowledge and the development of advanced technologies. The high percentage of innovative companies and their close collaboration with the Universitat de València confirm that we are having a real impact on the knowledge economy", he says.

The PIDE 2024 report highlights that 86% of the companies in the park are considered innovative, 90% carry out R&D activities and 44% exceed 100,000 euros in annual turnover


Mockup-Ebook-PIDE-Desarrollo-empresarialThe full report is available for consultation at this link.


Skilled job creation and women’s leadership

The study also highlights the PCUV’s ability to attract and retain highly skilled talent. 87% of the staff has a degree (Master’s and/or PhD) and 67% of the companies employ graduates from the Universitat de València.

At present, 2,817 professionals work in the PCUV, of whom 557 have regular access to its facilities. In terms of business structure, 72% of companies are micro-enterprises, which shows a dynamic ecosystem in full expansion.

The report also points to progress in gender equality: 19% of companies are led by women and 14% have shared management between men and women. However, there is still room for improvement in the implementation of equality plans, which are currently in place only in 33% of companies.

Financial growth and international projection

From an economic point of view, 44% of the companies exceeded 100,000 euros in turnover in 2023, and 15% managed to earn more than one million euros. In addition, 86 per cent of companies are self-financing, reflecting sound and sustainable business models.

The PCUV is also positioned as a key space for internationalization, with companies looking to expand beyond the domestic market. In this sense, Carrasco underlines the importance of the Parc as a springboard for global projection: "The UV Science Park not only drives innovation but is also a bridge for our companies to gain presence in international markets. Our mission is to continue supporting this growth".

Commitment to sustainability and CSR

The report also reflects PCUV companies' commitment to Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). 81% implement equality policies, although only 33% have a structured equality plan. In terms of sustainability, 32 per cent of companies have produced a sustainability brief, demonstrating an increasing interest in environmental and social responsibility.

Data from the PIDE 2024 Report reaffirms the position of the University of Valencia’s Science Park as a reference environment for innovation, entrepreneurship and knowledge transfer.

For Carrasco, the challenge of PCUV lies in continuing to consolidate this model of success: "Our goal is that PCUV companies continue to evolve in competitiveness, attracting investment and talent, and generating impact on society. This report allows us to analyse our strengths and identify opportunities for further improvement."

In the words of Fernando Ma. Zárraga, manager of the Fundació Parc Científic Universitat de València (FPCUV): "In these 15 years, the Parc Cientificos UV has demonstrated that it is much more than a physical space for companies. It is an innovation ecosystem that connects university talent with the business fabric and society. Our mission is to continue generating opportunities for companies to innovate, grow and compete in a global market by supporting their development from research to business application".


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