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The Parc Científic de la Universitat de València hosts the IV Conference on Digital Gender Equality

Written by admin | 31/03/2023

The Chair of Digital Gender Gap, belonging to the University of Valencia, organizes this meeting in order to address inequalities in the digital environment between men and women in the Valencian Community

The Chair of Digital Gender Gap signed between the University of Valencia (UV) and the Department of Innovation, Universities, Science and Digital Society annually promotes a conference to analyze in detail the situations in which the digital gender gap emerges in the Valencian Community. This meeting aims to examine the inequality that exists between men and women in terms of access, education and knowledge of information and communication technologies (ICTs), differences based on gender that burden a part of the population that lacks the basic computer or browser skills so necessary today.

In this year's edition, the IV Conference for Digital Gender Equality will be held next Thursday, March 30, from 10:00 am. It will be possible to watch the event live from the Marie Curie Auditorium of the Parc Científic de la Universitat de València, a partner of the conference, or from the YouTube channel of the Chair (from 10:30 am).

The day will start with the institutional presentation by Helena Rausell, Vice Chancellor for Equality, Diversity and Inclusive Policies of the University of Valencia, and Mariam Campello Moreno, Regional Secretary for Innovation and Digital Transformation of the Department of Innovation, Universities, Science and Digital Society of the Generalitat Valenciana. Anabel Forte, director of the Digital Gender Gap Chair, will give a summary of the results obtained in 2022.

This will be followed by the keynote address by Cristina Aranda Gutiérrez, Innovation, Digitalization and Artificial Intelligence (AI) consultant and co-founder of Mujeres Tech, a non-profit association that aims to promote initiatives so that there are many more women in different positions in the digital sector. Aranda is currently the director of the Cluster of Digital Humanities and Language Technologies in Spanish in the Community of Madrid and a member of the Advisory Council of the PERTE of the New Language Economy of the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Digital Transformation.

The day will end with a round table, with the participation of professors from the Departments of Didactics of the University of Valencia, the Jaume I University of Castellón and the University of Alicante, as well as secondary and primary school teachers. This round table will focus on the importance of bringing technology into the classroom from a gender perspective, and how education plays a key role in helping to close the Digital Gender Gap.

This conference is part of the activities organized by the Chair of Digital Gender Gap (UV-GVA), signed between the University of Valencia and the Generalitat Valenciana, within the Directorate General for Combating the Digital Divide under the Ministry of Innovation, Science, Universities and Digital Society. Within the framework of the University of Valencia, the Chair has the support of the Vice-Rectorate for Innovation and Transfer, the Vice-Rectorate for Equality, Diversity and Inclusive Policies and the Equality Unit.