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Juan P. Martínez Pastor, new director of the Institute of Materials Science of the University of Valencia

Written by admin | 30/07/2021

The professor of Applied Physics and Electromagnetism Juan Pascual Martínez Pastor has been appointed director of the Institute of Materials Science (ICMUV) of the University of Valencia. His objective is to continue improving the quality of the research carried out at the centre. He replaces professor Ana Cros, from the same department.

Juan P. Martínez Pastor has been a tenured professor at the University of Valencia since 1994 and a full professor at the same institution since 2008. An expert in Semiconductor Physics, his research focuses on the optical properties and development of applications in photonics of low-dimensional semiconductors and semiconductor nanostructures.

He has carried out postdoctoral and research stays at universities and centres in Italy and France, mainly. He has directed or co-directed several lines of research in nanoscience and nanotechnology related to the development of various types of nanomaterials. Since its creation in 1999, he has led the Optoelectronic Materials and Devices Unit (UMDO) of the ICMUV.

He is the co-author of more than 220 publications in international journals, has supervised 16 doctoral theses and has been Principal Investigator (PI) of several European and national projects, among others. Currently he is PI and coordinator of the European project DROP-IT (FET-OPEN of H2020), as well as a new national project. He is the co-author of seven patents and has been a promoter of the spin-off company Intenanomat SL, dedicated to the commercialisation of nanoparticles.

Martínez Pastor will direct the Institute of Materials Science for three years, replacing the also professor of Applied Physics Ana Cros.

Founded in 1995, the Institute of Materials Science works in Applied Physics and Chemistry of materials and nanomaterials with applications in various fields, such as the physics of semiconductors and optical fibres, the chemistry of polymers or mesoporous materials, among others.

Among other objectives, Juan P. Martínez Pastor will promote from the ICMUV the development of advanced materials for energy and environmental sustainability, in addition to reinforcing actions to continue improving the quality of the different lines of research at the centre.