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Nanoscience and dissemination in the festival “10alamenos9”

Written by admin | 19/04/2018

The Institute for Molecular Science (ICMol) organises on Friday 20 of April a session on scientific dissemination within the Festival of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 10alamenos9 (N&N). It is the third edition of this initiative, which aims to promote general knowledge towards N&N. The meeting has previously taken place in different Spanish cities. It is the first time that it is organised in Valencia.

The session will take place in two different places: at the ICMol and Las Naves. It will show the implications and the range of N&N through numerous workshops, exhibitions, panels of discussion, social cafés, seminars, and science and art activities. The main Spanish centres of research and universities that are focused on nanotechnology will be present at the event. They look for direct contact with the society to ease the dialogue between experts and society in order to promote the knowledge on this issue, as it could become the industrial revolution of the 21th century: the nanotechnological revolution.

10alamenos9 has the sponsorship of BASF and VLC Photonic, and the collaboration of the research centre ITENE (Instituto Tecnológico del Embalaje, Transporte y Logística) and the centre of innovation Las Naves of the City Council of Valencia.

The conference will start at 9 a.m. at ICMol, where around 80 secondary school students will be attending. They are from State Secondary School Sedaví, State Secondary School Benetússer and State Secondary School Federica Monseny de Burjassot. First, students will learn the basis of nanoscience and nanotechnology in a nanoseminar taught by Mónica Giménez, a researcher of ICMol. Then, they will have the chance to talk with doctoral students and post-doctoral students on Nanotechnology.

Participants will carry out three workshops. They will discover an interesting phenomenon called superconductivity in the workshop “Supernano: Thin and conductive materials in the World”. They will learn to measure the levels of particles in the city in the workshop “Nanoexaminig the air” taught by Maidá Domat Rodríguez, project manager of techniques at ITENE. They will also learn the numerous applications that nanoscience already offers in the workshop “From the supermarket to the house: nanotechnology is already present in our lives” taught by Jordi Díaz-Marcos (CCiTUB, NanoDivulga UB). Morning activities will finish with a guided visit to the facilities of ICMol.

On the afternoon, the meeting at the Centre of Innovation Las Naves will be at 6.30 p.m. The session is intended for the general public. It will deal with two nanoconferences that will show the wonders of the nanoworld. The talks “Nanoscience... the World where size matters no more” and “Qubits Assemblies: organising nanoscale” will be imparted by ICMol researchers Raquel I. Galián and Alejandro Gaita Ariño, respectively.