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Quimacova, association of companies in the chemical sector, chooses Bia Seguridad Industrial to manage the CBA of its members

Written by admin | 09/03/2018

The Chemical and Environmental Association of the Chemical Sector of the Comunitat Valenciana, QUIMACOVA, has chosen the digital platform of Bia Seguridad Industrial to carry out the coordination of business activities (CBA) of its members. This tool has been developed by the consultant housed in the University of Valencia Science Park.

"We are aware of the challenges that implies prevention of risks and the control over the multiple actors involved in the processes inherent to the activity. We are also aware of the large amount of resources, both human and technical, that are necessary to attend the Law of Prevention of Labour Risks. For all these reasons, we have decided to create an online CBA management platform specially designed to simplify this management and reduce costs ", said Daniel Villanueva, of the Commercial Department of this consultancy with a wide range of CBA management experience.

In this regard, the director of Quimacova, Jesús Carretero, explained that this commitment to the Bia360 platform "has been decided after contrasting it with different ones" and observing that it is "a reliable tool that gives good results". This document manager "facilitates the review and validation of all the necessary documentation for coordination in preventive matters between two companies, the owner of the center where the activity is carried out and the one contracted to carry it out", Carretero has assured.

Bia Seguridad Industrial has been responsible for the coordination of business activities in different important industrial plants for 12 years. "When the company that owns the center has third parties working in its plant, it must coordinate the activities of the concurrent companies by regulation, being mandatory, among other aspects, to provide them with information about the facilities, processes and their risks, as well as request documentation regarding prevention of occupational risks of contractor companies, their workers and their machines. That, which seems simple, becomes complicated exponentially as the volume of external companies working in your workplace increases", informed Daniel Villanueva.

"Here is the utility of Bia360," adds Villanueva, "an online platform we created three years ago to control all this documentation and automate processes". For example, Bia360 creates alerts to warn of the expiration of documents and incorporates access control. "It is a tool that allows real-time control over all the documentation derived from the Coordination of Business Activities, saving labor time of industrial property", ensured the CEO of Grupo Bia, Manuel Mansilla.