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The microbiologist Francis Mojica gives a conference at the Science Park

Written by admin | 19/07/2017

The microbiologist from Alicante Francisco J. Mojica, who is pioneer in the research of CRISPR sequences of the genome editing, give a conference in the Science Park of the UV. The conference entitled ‘CRISPR systems, to learn or to die’, which is open to the public, will close the 21th Introductory Course of Research in Microbiology that this year takes place at the Universitat de València.

Francisco J. Mojica (Department of Microbiology at the Universitat d’Alacant) is known by his researches about the immune system of certain microorganisms discovered in the Salinas de Santa Pola. These works have opened a new era in the genetic research. The CRISPR technology, which is an advance tool capable of modifying the DNA,is increasingly used in the molecular biology laboratories.

The excitement created by CRISPR made Mojica's name appear in 2016 in the Nobel pools. He has been awarded with the Premio Jaume I de Investigación Básica (2015) and Premio Fundación BBVA Fronteras del Conocimiento (2017).

The Mojica’s conference closes the 21th Introductory Course to Research in Microbiology, which organises the Spanish Society of Microbiology and this year takes place at the Department of Microbiology of the Universitat de València.

The event will take place on Friday, 7 July at 13:00, in the Auditorium Marie Curie of the Science Park.