The SPTO will explain today at the Parc how patents are a source of scientific information of great value


Patents, besides being a figure of protection of the results of research and innovations, are a source of scientific and technical information of great value. For this reason, University of Valencia Science Park Foundation (UVSPF) organizes today, October 18, with the Spanish Patent and Trademarks Office (SPTO), a day to know how to take advantage in reasearch of the information contained in a patent and the state of the art.

To this end, Carmen Toledo de la Torre, Chief of the Information Technology Unit within Patents and Tecnological Information Department of SPTO, will explain the basic concepts to understand a patent document; teach how to search in databases of free patents; and will specify the technological surveillance services offered by the Spanish office.

The goal is "to end the perception of these documents as an obstacle to university research and to guide scientists to take advantage of patents for their projects," says Carmen Toledo. In addition, it will report on the novelties incorporated into the new Patent Law and will clarify what and how it could be patented in Spain and abroad.

María José Ortolá, Deputy Director of Social Economy and Entrepreneurship of the Conselleria of Sustainable Economy, Productive Sectors, Trade and Labor, will also be attending the event. She will point out the management that corresponds to the Patent Bank of the Generalitat.

Bilateral interviews

The registration for the day is free and is made from the following link:

In addition, attendees will be able to arrange a bilateral interview with the SPTO. They must request it to, with a deadline of October 16. Requests will be atended in the same order they will be received. Meetings will last a maximum of 15 minutes.