Press room | PCUV

The Trust of the FPCUV approves the 2018 accounts and knows the results of the companies report

Written by admin | 27/03/2019

The Trust of the University of Valencia Science Park Foundation (FPCUV) has approved today the accounts for 2018. In the meeting, chaired by the Principal of the academic institution, MarĂ­a Vicenta Mestre, the Foundation's trustees have known the most relevant results obtained in the survey conducted by the FPCUV to companies and entities installed in the Science Park. This study, framed in the Business Development Promotion Program (PIDE) that promotes the foundation for the third consecutive year, highlights the increase of companies installed in 2018, amounting to 91, and the number of direct jobs generated, which borders on 500.

The objectives of this survey are to describe the business profile of the park, identify success stories and best business practices and boost the business growth of the companies and entities housed in the park. In addition, this year, on the occasion of the tenth anniversary of the official opening of the Science Park, the FPCUV has prepared an analytical study on the evolution of companies installed in this ecosystem since 2009. It will be released in the coming weeks.

Presentation of the activities report of 2018 during the plenary meeting


Activity memory

Another point of the day has been the presentation of the report of activities carried out in 2018. As initiatives for improvement, the foundation has launched a new PCUV website, which boosts services for companies and allows its rapid update through a content management system; the billing query has also been enabled from the intranet; and it has proceeded to the incorporation of a whole series of measures for compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation and the new Organic Law 3/2018, of December 5, Protection of Personal Data and guarantee of digital rights.

During 2018 the FPCUV was the promoter of the second days of strategic reflection of the Network of Valencian Science Parks (rePCV) and also organized the second Ibero-American meeting of the international network Agroinncuba-CYTED. In addition, this year have signed more than 100 contractual documents and agreements, among the most important, which is aimed at promoting the conditions of access to Central Service for Experimental Research Support (SCSIE) of the University of Valencia for the companies of the Science Park; the technical assistance for the training of managers of innovation and entrepreneurship; the support for the internationalization of the installed firms; and the one that facilitates carrying out the modernization of the infrastructures.